Thursday, July 2, 2015

Brand New Blogger!

Hi Insties! #I'veBeenWaitingtoSayThat! I'm Bella Bree and I'm a brand new blogger! So I was accepted June 29th, 2015 when  I was supposed to have my first blog post. But obviously, I was so excited I didn't pay attention to a few things so sorry for the late post! Anyway, I am your fashion updater and I can help you with fashion in real life! But for now, I'm going to stick with WoozWorld. After so much suffering, I'm really tired from all that drama. But thank you Miley for all the help! Moving on, before all that, I was working on my signout pic which you will see below. Thank you so much Insties for taking the time to read this even though it's really short. I'll be in the chat if you want to talk with me. So this is Bella Bree (breeanael on WoozWorld) signing out!

Lots Of Luv!